Gardner Museum to Feature “Jeff, Unfortunately” in “Not Music” Event and other Event Listings
The Gardner Museum has published an Event Flyer featuring various events from August 7th until the end of the year. Complete Flyer, CLICK HERE.
The first event at the Gardner Museum of August 7th at 7:30pm is potentially controversial: The “Pop-up Concert at the Museum featuring artsy underground music is unique in that it promotes a performance of what is described by the artist “Jeff, Unfortunately” as “not not music” Some of the song titles are “Sick mind, Maladjustment, termination, cessation, passing, and grave.” and the music is described by the artist himself as “recorded poorly”. On the link I provide there are links to dozens of albums, which the artist does not promote as music, but as audio experiments such as intentional attempts to play out of tune and/or sing badly. There are even songs which are played backwards as “an experiment in reverse audio.” It is not what 99% of people would refer to as music, certainly not suitable for children and pets. If you wish to listen to a sample of the sound, here is the link to all of it: CLICK HERE
We reached out to the Museum Coordinator Marion Knoll. In part, the coordinator stated, “Due to its nature, we changed our regular event setup (no reception, no seat reservation) and advertised it as “artsy underground music” We reached out to the President of the Museum Scott Huntoon and received no response.
Other Gardner Museum Events are listed on the flyer and include Photography, a seminar on “Fake News”, Talks, Survival and Knife Safety, Railroad in Song, Annual Veterans Roundtable, Challenges to the International Order, and Chair Caning. The 19th Annual Festival of Trees begins November 13th.