Graphic depicts Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson looking at the “Mountain of Money” the City has received in State and Federal Grants.
Gardner MA Turns 50 Grand in to $25 Million – How Is That Even Possible?
The City of Gardner Massachusetts seems to have a knack for grants. Recently, U.S. Senator Ed Markey visited Gardner and remarked that Gardner was 1 of only 3 communities in the State (besides Boston and Salem) to receive a particular R.A.I.S.E. grant. That will cover a full mobility study of Downtown and engineering for the 4 story parking garage.
The City of Gardner has invested $50,000 so far in 3rd Party Grant Writers. The payoff so far: $25 million in State and Federal grants which is 500 times the investment. Gardner has really worked the process, even lobbying cabinet secretaries in Washington D.C. directly.
Now pending: 12 Federal Grant Applications and 8 State Grant applications. What this means to taxpayers: Your taxes don’t go up as much and the City of Gardner is vastly improved. An example of one is a possible appropriation of close to a million dollars towards the Waterford Community Center which is pending the exact funding amount and approval of the Federal budget.