Council President Kazinskas stated, “The Community Development Block Grant, or CDBG Program, provides funding and technical support for projects that achieve the city’s development objectives while principally benefiting low- and moderate-income persons and or addressing slum and blight conditions. Funding for the CDBG Program is provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the guidelines of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.”
Director Trevor Beauregard responded by describing some funding being held up by the need for an environmental review and indicated that his Department did respond to an audit for the 2021 grant. Hear his opening comment, CLICK PLAY
Other Councilors asked questions of the Director. (Best to listen to entire meeting) Councilor Judy Mack alleges Gross Negligence by a Former Development Department Employee. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner City Council Meets on CDBG Grants and Goes over Issues
Various State Reviews of prior year CDBG Grants are taking place and Director of Development and Planning Trevor Beauregard was on hand to answer Councilor questions. Councilor George Tyros (the City Council designee to the Steering Committee) had requested the meeting to review the City’s management of the Community Development Block Grant Program. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Councilor Tyros stated, “In preparation for the first CDBG meeting of this year, I reached out to the Director in February to request an update on previous block grant projects, specifically the demolition of the Greenwood indoor pool, construction of a new pavilion in its place, and the construction of Maki Park downtown. The Director informed me that the Block Grant 2022-2023 funds have not yet been released, so no project could be initiated. And in a follow-up question, he informed me that all work related to the Block Grant 2022-2023 grant would need to be completed by the Assistant Director after he starts. The reason why we’re here this evening is because at that meeting, the Director shared with me and the committee that as a part of regular monitoring and review by the State of the program, issues were found in the administration of both construction and public social services aspects of the Block Grant program. Issues that, as I’ve said before, are not detrimental, but are holding up funding for important projects and opportunities that we have to action on if we want to continue moving Gardner in the right direction and keep this important funding.” Tyros stated his objective was to have a discussion about the challenges being faced, to make sure changes are being made, and to prevent future issues that could threaten the source of funding. Listen to Councilor Tyros’ full remarks on any device. CLICK PLAY.
We reached out for further comment to a number of people and Councilor Judy Mack responded, “The grant audit list of errors is a direct result of someone not doing their job of which they were responsible for which was why I said it was a gross negligence on the person who was responsible.”
We did reach out to the former Assistant Director, current Director Trevor Beauregard, Councilor George Tyros, and Mayor Michael Nicholson. We will post their comments here if they choose to add something.