Shown is a cracked chimney which could lead to a chimney fire. Also shown are suggestions from MEMA for a Winter Emergency Car Kit.
Winter Safety Tips at Home or on the Road
Gardner Fire Dept.: At home it pays to keep heating equipment and even your home’s chimney in good operating condition. The Gardner Fire Department posted about a chimney fire which occurred on December 10th. “Gardner Tower 1 operating at a chimney fire on Keys road last evening. We can’t stress enough how important it is to have your chimney inspected and cleaned by a licensed professional. Cracks in your chimney can lead to a chimney fire spreading into your house.”
Common Sense Safety: Other common sense tips include never running generators indoors, never using gasoline to start a fireplace, and never burning charcoal indoors. And of course, never use extension cords for a space heater – plug directly in to the outlet instead and keep 3 feet away from any sources of ignition. We published an article in February 2023 about Gardner Fire Department proactive efforts to save lives. More tips from Weather.gov, click here.
Winter Driving Tips from MEMA: The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has suggestions for what to carry in your car to help in case of emergency. From MEMA: “Is your vehicle ready for safe winter driving? Have a winter emergency car kit in the trunk and make sure all parts of your vehicle are ready for winter (wipers, tires, etc.)” Facebook page, CLICK HERE. Website, CLICK HERE.
From Gardner PD: We did an interview and article last December with Gardner Police Chief Eric McAvene about Winter Safety. If you missed it, here it is: