Gardner MA Nov. 7th Election Results Change – Ward 4A had been omitted in results announced Election night
There’s is no explanation why on the City of Gardner website, however, we have discovered that Gardner Precinct 4a had been omitted from the unofficial results totals. Official results now reflect 4a. The official results are listed on our election page, CLICK HERE. UPDATE: 11-18-23: On WGAW Hotline Radio, Mayor Michael Nicholson said he spoke with the City Clerk and the problem was a spreadsheet error on Election Night.
In the Mayor’s Race: New totals are Nicholson: 2,459 or 65.8%, Blake 1,189 or 31.8%, Write-ins 14 or .4%, and Blanks 73 or 1.9%.
The Councilors at Large race leaves Carolyn Kamuda with a 13 vote advantage over next highest vote getter Calvin Brooks. Brooks did not file for a recount within the required 10 day period, so Kamuda will join all 5 incumbent councilors including Elizabeth Kazinskas, George Tyros, Judy Mack, Ron Cormier, and Craig Cormier. Ward Councilors: Ward 1: David Thibault Munoz: 46.4%, Ward 2: Dana Heath: 75.6%, Ward 3: Paul Tassone: 49%, Ward 4: Karen Hardern 73.4%, and Ward 5: Aleksander Dernalowicz 73.7%. Balance of vote is challenger or blanks.
School Committee winners are the same with all incumbents reelected.
Charter Question: Yes: 51.6%, No, 35.3%, and blanks, 13%
In the State Senate Race: Both candidates picked up votes with Precinct 4a now included.