Choose 6 out of 9. Make sure to vote on Tuesday, November 7, 2023
If you’d like to research past Gardner City Council meetings, Gardner Magazine has 10 pages of search results taking you to articles and AUDIO of the City Council meetings, CLICK HERE.
Editorial: Picking Councilors at Large No Easy Task This Year
In the municipal election of November 7, 2023, voters will pick 6 Councilors at Large out of 9 candidates. It is a certainty that at least one of the newcomers will win a seat as current Councilor James Boone decided not to run.
Current Councilors:
Elizabeth Kazinskas – chairs the Finance Committee which has met 14 times this year. Current Council President
George Tyros – chairs the Appointments Committee which has met 6 times this year. Committee interviews the Mayor’s appointees.
Craig Cormier – chairs the Public Safety Committee which has met 7 times this year. Often gets input from the Police and Fire Chiefs. One of the most listened to meetings on Gardner Magazine.
Ron Cormier – not a chair of any committee, but a long-time councilor who provides consistent input at meetings.
Judy Mack – chair of the Public Welfare Committee which last met in May 2023.
Carolyn Kamuda – very visible in the public eye advocating for what she believes is in the public interest. – first name on the ballot
Jim Hunt – works for a local non-profit. Has a family with children.
Calvin Brooks – 26 years of experience in Municipal Finance, retired in June from position as City Auditor of Fitchburg.
Brad Heglin – has been chair of the Gardner MA Centennial Committee this year. An English teacher at Gardner High School.