Mayor Nicholson said, “The funds received from this grant program are going to make a big difference in moving Gardner forward,”
City of Gardner MA Formally Awarded Community Block Grants Totaling $1,650,000
On Friday, August 25, 2023, the funding was ” awarded for demolition of Greenwood Pool and Rome Building, Construction of new Greenwood Pavilion, Downtown Infrastructure Improvements, and social service programming in Gardner.” See Social Services Impact below.
Gardner City Hall stated in a Press Release, “On Friday, Mayor Nicholson, State Representative Jon Zlotnik, and City Council President Lizzy Kazinskas welcomed Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll, Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities Ed Augustus, and officials from around the Commonwealth to Gardner City Hall for the announcement of the latest round of Community Development Block Grant Awards from the Commonwealth and Federal Government. Gardner was awarded $1.65 million in funds for various projects to take place throughout the City in the coming year.”
Application for the grant funds was endorsed and approved by the Gardner City Council in November 2022.
The Massachusetts Community Development Block Grant Program is a federally funded, competitive grant program designed to help small cities and towns meet a broad range of community development needs. This program helps eligible cities and towns with a population under 50,000 who do not receive direct funding from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development to meet a broad range of community development needs in housing, infrastructure, revitalization, economic development and public social services.
Additional Impact on Social Services Including to Help the Homeless
Besides the ‘Big Ticket’ items, the funding will eliminate all athletic user fees at Gardner High School and Gardner Middle School, assist the Boys and Girls Club of Gardner with its “STEAM” program – after school and summer programs in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics, and assist the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission to help combat issues of homelessness in the Gardner area. “Gardner Emergency Housing Mission (GEHM) wishes to thank Mayor Michael Nicholson and all who were involved in distributing the Block Grant monies,” said Mary Tourigny, Secretary of GEHM’s Board of Directors. “GEHM relies on the support of the community. GEHM’s mission is to support and strengthen the community by providing temporary, transitional housing and support services to families that are homeless. Thanks to the City of Gardner’s Block Grant money, GEHM is able to continue our mission.”