Reptile Shows New England Ferbie the Bird

Gardner MA Magazine Interviews “Ferbie the Bird” and Learns about Reptiles

During the Gardner Summer Centennial Celebration, I was honored to interview Ferbie, a bird and Emily Erickson of Reptile Shows of New England. Surprisingly intelligent, Ferbie is beginning to have a grasp of the English language and answered our ridiculously childish questions with patient enthusiasm. Listen to the interview on any device, CLICK PLAY.

Ferbie the Bird Interview July 22, 2023

Emily spoke of Reptile Shows of New England and Ferbie commented throughout. Music in the background was “Plead the 5th”, the live band at the event. Reptile Shows website, CLICK HERE.

From their website: :Our mission is to educate people of all ages about reptiles in a safe and engaging environment. We strive to spread awareness about wildlife conservation and encourage kids to play outside and enjoy the great outdoors!”