Planning Board May 9 2023

Gardner MA Planning Board Approves 22 more Parking Spaces for GES as Minor Modification

The Gardner Elementary School will be getting 22 more parking spaces after a presentation was made to the Gardner Planning Board. Questions have arisen as to why more parking spaces were not in the original plan and a couple of reasons were given. First, the Massachusetts School Building Authority wants to keep the number of parking spaces at schools to a minimum. Second, the increased number of staff and students at Gardner Elementary were not part of the initial forecast in 2019. It was also suggested in jest that if functions such as Open Houses are held, perhaps a yellow limo could be used to ferry people back and forth to make up for the lack of parking.

Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.

Gardner Planning Board 5-9-23

Parking availability will soon be tested as an after school open house is coming up in June.