Arts and Music Festival Collage 3

Concept Proven – Beautiful Day for Art Festival on Saturday, May 6, 2023

The event was uplifting as artists showed off their creations at the First Annual Chair City Concept Forefront Art Festival. Our photo gallery says more in photos than can be said in words.

So many talented young people were among the group of artists. Art was varied by medium and subject matter. The FREE activities for all ages had participation. It was a fresh air Outdoor Art Gallery and a way to support local artists on what was a beautiful Spring Day.

The musical performances at Orpheum Park were enjoyable for those who stayed to listen .

The Chair City Conceptual Forefront Art Festival will be an event to remember, (until the 2nd annual) This was a great event to build upon in the future.

The Centennial Committee surprised everyone with some free food and free refreshments including some delicious coffee. Complete Photo Gallery, CLICK HERE.