In Great Hands GArdner PD

In Great Hands – the Gardner MA PD Interview with Chief Eric McAvene

The Gardner Police Department is Going Great under the direction of some Great Hands – including Chief Eric McAvene. We discussed various topics with the veteran officer and now Chief to learn more about how the Gardner PD gets it done. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.

Chief Eric McAvene 5-1-23

We asked Chief McAvene about staffing levels and he explained the Gardner PD is working towards its budgeted staff of 33. Currently there are some trainees in the Police Academy with a couple more soon to start. The chief complimented his officers stating, “The officers here, everybody here has certainly stepped to the plate when…being short staffed, and I couldn’t be prouder of the officers here.”

Police Academy and Drones: The Junior Police Academy is in July and initially accepts Gardner residents and then opens it up to those outside the City if its not filled up. The program was started by now Deputy Chief Nick Maroni. We spoke of the Drone program and of the resources available through the Central Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council. “It’s kind of a force multiplier” says the Chief. It’s very similar to the Drug Task force which is made up of cities and towns in North Central Massachusetts where help is also available in a crisis or even to execute search warrants. Chief McAvene also wanted the public to know that the public can get rid of any medications 24/7/365 right through the front doors of the police station at an indoor kiosk.

K-9 Drug Training; K-9 Rocky just completed his drug training so he’ll be able to sniff out narcotics for the Gardner PD. The Chief says he is well-behaved even in the building and his favorite toys is a ball tethered with rope.

Traffic and Safety: The Regan Street 1 way trial will be evaluated once the 60 days have completed. We spoke of other traffic challenges including speeding, with one of the most difficult areas being Route 140 because the speeds are just under those on Route 2 but the traffic is 2 way, making accidents serious such as the double fatal in February. The chief stated, “I encourage people to try to pay more attention, because a lot of times its simple things like your phone, things you shouldn’t be doing, but should be paying attention, and we want to avoid tragedies…”

Domestic Violence: We also spoke about Domestic Violence with the Chief stating, “We would encourage you to contact law enforcement if the situation is an emergency, or its something that’s escalating and needs to be addressed….the officers are here to help in any way they can….officers are trained to try to deescalate and mediate the situation the best they can.”

The Schools; Chief McAvene explained that the DARE program is not just drug education, “it’s kind of being a good person, being respectful, things like that…a lot of the things we would teach our children as they grow up. The permanent replacement for Community Police officer Lawrence who retired will be named shortly.

Supply Chain; The Gardner PD faces Supply Chain issues just like many today with items like police cruisers taking several months at a time when replacements are needed.

Praise for Officers; Chief McAvene stated that he wants the “folks in Gardner to know that they have a very professional Police Department…a lot of good, good people who step up to the plate when they’re called. I couldn’t be more proud of the officers we have here and the officers coming in. It’s just a great great group.”