How Gardner is Going Great in an interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson
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Gardner is Going Great and we spoke to Gardner Mayor Nicholson about it. We reviewed the recent White House trip. “So being able to sit down and share what Gardner’s done in terms of investments into our infrastructure, how we’ve worked with our federal partners, but what are we missing and how can we bridge that gap. That was really an exciting time to be able to be in the White House itself on Pennsylvania Avenue, and just have those discussions on, this is what Gardner has done, this is what we need, and to be able to speak to the president’s office directly on that, I really hope there is a lot of, benefits for Gardner in the long run.”
We asked Mayor Nicholson what’s going great in terms of attracting business to Gardner? “You know, I think this is something that we’ve been doing quite well the past couple of years, and that we’ve also begun to reach out to businesses ourselves, rather than waiting for them to come to us.”
Mayor Nicholson spoke about the Route 140 Zoning issue and how it “involves people thinking outside of the box.” He stated he wants to proactively set the city up for success. He also spoke of creative ways to make his idea work while also taking the views of others into consideration.
The Mayor affirmed that we can conclude “Gardner is Great for Business.” We spoke with the Mayor about successful companies in Gardner and the fact that many are expanding. He stated, “There’s a lot happening in terms of industry in Gardner that people my just not realize.” Once businesses are here, Mayor Nicholson believes the City’s involvement should continue saying, “Let’s check in on you and how you’re doing, and let’s see what you need and how can we better work with each other…we’re willing to continue our initial investment on a long-term basis…” The Mayor affirmed that we can conclude “Gardner is Great for Industry.”
Mayor Nicholson announced that the City of Gardner has received a perfect Federal Audit for the 3rd year in a row. “actually saves the City up to close to $20,000 a year.” Now the audit will be conducted every 3 to 5 years due to the City’s fiscal responsibility. “We’re doing everything we can to make sure that we continue to uphold our fiduciary responsibility to the residents and taxpayers and Gardner. And I think that really says a lot about us”
The conversation turned to one about people in the Chair City. “One of the things that’s been my mantra since I’ve been in office, …is that everything that crosses my desk, the budget, the ordinances, the money orders, and everything. People are policy, is the take that I like to to have when it comes to government, and in that, it’s we’re working every day to build a place that people feel proud and happy to call their home. And that means investing in people. And everything that we do with a policy change, as a project, as an initiative, is with that heart behind it”
We spoke about so many things going great in terms of athletics and the schools and Mayor Nicholson identified many people he feels have contributed to Gardner Going Great in these areas. We spoke of Public Safety. We spoke of what we call the “Nicholson Directive” which is “people should be treated as people …We have to set ourselves to a standard that meets that expectation…by being respectful we build a great community….because we get all different, you know, spectrum of ideas and perspectives that’s there, that really helps get the bigger picture.”
When speaking of City employees, he wants honest opinions. “I’m not here to have a team of yes men. I’m here to have a team of people who are willing to do what’s right for the city …. we can come up with the best proposal by hearing all sides of the story rather than pushing one agenda” In May 2023, Gardner Magazine will speak with Mayor Nicholson about Gardner’s specific accomplishments, many are listed at and the narrative is growing every day.