Watch a video recognized by Homeland Security as an excellent training resource, CLICK HERE, or listen to the AUDIO on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner MA Public Schools Running Active Shooter Drills in April 2023
In a letter to the Gardner Public School Community, Superintendent Mark Pellegrino and Director of Health and Safety Rebecca McCaffrey wrote of the “Run, Hide, Fight” drills being run during the month of April “through collaboration with the Gardner Police Department, Gardner Fire Department, District Administrators, Building Administrators, and Building staff….”
According to the letter, drills and announcements will be conducted in an age-appropriate way and teachers will lead students in practicing “hide” in the classroom and “run” by exiting the building. The “fight” component will not be practiced. Read the entire letter on pdf, CLICK HERE.
Pellegrino suggests parents can prepare children for these drills by talking to them beforehand and assuring them that drills help school staff and students be prepared and that it’s a routine drill just like a fire drill. Plans are to conduct the drills in the Fall and Spring of each year.
In this article, we have included the AUDIO taken from a video recognized by Homeland Security. It is an excellent guide for educators, parents, and students.