2023 – The Year Ahead in the Chair City of Gardner MA
On January 10, 2023, Gardner Mayor Nicholson will deliver his State of the City Address in which he will detail the last year and the next year or so to come. This article profiles the past year and what is ahead. Last December, we wrote about 2022, the Year Ahead, CLICK HERE
Progress of 2022
Overview: Gardner’s path to excellence has now been noticed by State officials and other communities due to significant proactive efforts by the City in finding ways to meet its needs and solve its problems. Citizen engagement in voting was up with a significantly higher percentage of voters participating in the Fall Election vs. the Municipal election of 2021. Interest in public meetings and Mayor’s Updates is strong with thousands listening to AUDIO via Gardner Magazine. On the health front, Covid 19 has become manageable while still around and the Health Department has become even more proactive in tackling Drug and Addiction issues. Management of the Gardner Police Department has changed. The School District is continuing to build upon its curriculum improvements and had positive MCAS news to report as well as significant anecdotal evidence of Educational progress. Infrastructure projects in the City continue. Progress with Private projects, particularly in Downtown, have resulted in a year which can truly be described as transformative. The City had a banner year in reviewing ‘Best uses’ of land and buildings in the City including City-owned properties and private parcels. A noticeable increase in Arts and Music focus occurred in 2022. Gardner celebrated its 100th Christmas as a City.
Notable Successes of 2022
Many projects were either initiated or completed with a record amount of Grant funding obtained and private partnerships secured. Some of these included: Ryan Block at 42-52 Parker Street, Flat Iron Building at 25 Main Street, Timpany Crossroads, new Surgical Pavilion at Heywood Hospital begun, new facility begun by Community Health Connections near Walmart, the sale of various buildings to new owners willing to undertake renovation projects, progress on design – planning – funding for the eventual pedestrian/bike bridge over 140, completion of locker replacements at Gardner Middle School with gym floor and auditorium improvements at Gardner High School, financial support of Art and Music in the Schools, proactive efforts to catch those improperly disposing of trash, and infrastructure improvements to cable and internet. View our Thanks for Progress list which we published in November |
A record amount of paving work was completed in 2022 resulting in a much-improved look in Downtown, coming in to the City via Pearl Street and Central Street, and various residential streets. |
Gardner Public Schools managed to delay school opening by a very short time given the significant delay in construction completion of the new Gardner Elementary School. |
Opening of new Gardner Elementary School with residents generally pleased with the project. |
Groundwork was made for Gardner’s future of increased manufacturing capacity as funding was obtained to study the possibility of a new Industrial Park off Matthews Street. |
Dozens of new businesses opened in the Chair City in 2022. |
A record $7million grant was obtained for runway improvements at the Gardner Airport. |
Gardner City Council approved moving a Building Inspector position from part-time to full-time and a new hire was recently announced. Other staff improvements approved included additions to the Health Department, Animal Control, and bringing back the Domestic Violence position to the Gardner PD. |
Unprecedented success in obtaining grant funding for various City/School initiatives. |
Gardner has had a very successful 2022 and the Outlook for 2023 looks very positive. See below for a Look Ahead to 2023, What’s Upcoming…
Notable Failures of 2022
Not fixing Bickford: Rusty Chain Link Fence remains at Bickford Playground. |
Goofy Pavilions: Two Pavilion additions to The Gardner Dog Park a disappointment – structures tiny, not functional as shade or weather protection, and rarely used, installed in odd locations. Water puddling issues not addressed. Shade issues still outstanding. |
Outdoor Dining experiment in Downtown Gardner actually negatively affected businesses. Was a closed-off street without any covering to pavement and little shade. |
Bad Traffic Advice: With so much spent on the new Gardner Elementary School and so much planning, the initial parent pickup/dropoff was a flop, but was quickly corrected to be a well-oiled machine. However, insufficient parking may be an issue in years to come. Publisher’s Note: It was hard to find any failures in Gardner MA this year. So for those who think we are nit-picking, you’re right… |

A Look Ahead to 2023 – What’s Upcoming for the City of Gardner MA
Groundbreaking at new Maki Park and Park Street Park |
Upcoming construction of Bailey Brook Park, the first playground in Gardner for infants through five years old. |
Groundbreaking at Rear Main Street Project, which is slated to include housing units, parking, an events plaza, and maybe a rooftop restaurant. |
Repurposing of Helen Mae Sauter School – notable ideas including making it an Art Center. |
Opening of new Community Center which was Waterford Street School |
Gardner Public Schools to move District offices to the Elm Street School. |
Upcoming demolition of Greenwood Pool House and the construction of a new Pavilion |
Uptown Rotary paving to be undertaken |
Spray Park to reopen at Greenwood Pool if a way can be found to hire sufficient staff. |
Formal opening of Concession Stand at Gardner High School |
Work on the stage at the Middle School |
Opening of Community Health Center building near Walmart to offer Urgent Care, doctor’s offices, and behavioral health care. |
Further Sports Team related improvements |
Completion of various construction projects in Downtown Gardner. |
Beginning of some construction projects in Downtown including renovation of former Bank of America and former Gardner News buildings. |
Filling of various storefronts in the City which are vacant now but will be home to new businesses in 2023. Working with Wachusett Business Incubator to help potential businesses complete formal business plans. |
Sale of the 10 acre former Garbose site which is now also being marketed by the State of MA. |
Getting a buyer for the former run-down factory on Nadeau Street. |
Various Centennial events in 2023 including perhaps, even Fireworks, to celebrate Gardner’s completion of 100 years as as a City and entry in to a new Century. |
District-wide Art Show coming sometime this year. |
Finances: Goal of getting a 3rd perfect Financial Audit. |
Completion of Gardner’s Salary review utilizing approved Grant funds – process expected to take 6 to 8 months. |
Landfill Expansion: Decision on how Gardner will or will not proceed on its plans for the expansion of the Gardner Landfill to handle sludge depending on the decisions of various State environmental agencies. |
The further sale of City-owned and privately owned blighted buildings so that best use can be achieved and optimal tax dollars can be obtained for the City. |
Work on the Gardner Fire Station headquarters building to eliminate health risk to staff and weather exposure to valuable equipment. Roof replacement urgently needed. |
Replacement of Gardner’s main water line from funding in the Federal Budget. |
Work on upgrading electrical system at Gardner City Hall. |
The addition of a few dozen radios needed by the Gardner Fire Department. |
Increasing lighting at vulnerable areas such as the intersection of Routes 2A and 68 |
Increased availability of online services on the City of Gardner website. |
Responsible review of the City Charter and recommendations made to the City Council. |
Beginning of comprehensive study through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program. |
Municipal elections for the Mayor, City Council, School Committee etc. to be held in Fall 2023. |
Various Projects which Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson will announce in his State of the City Address on January 10, 2023 at 7pm |
Read and/or listen to our Turn of the Century or What’s Next Interview with Mayor Nicholson, any of the Go Forward with Gardner Interviews.