
Editorial: Support of Single Tax Rate for Chair City of Gardner Massachusetts

I support a Single Tax Rate for the City of Gardner because I believe success should be rewarded.

Throughout the State of Mass, some cities have allowed a split rate to pass. However, the only thing I see, is this has caused many businesses to flee. Where others have closed doors to progress, Gardner is open for success. Mayor Nicholson and his team. City Council members, to public acclaim.
The Commonwealth and Uncle Sam, have released grants like an open dam. Because the Chair City gets it. If you want business, you must earn it. Gardner Public Schools is drawing companies, by enhancing kids opportunities. And Gardner has not been greedy, levying less, with thanks from the needy.
When the business climate is strong, it’s always a winning song.
Please stick with a single rate, success will reward you from this date. If this City were a movie, an Academy Award would come from its story. Support the Board of Assessors wishes. It’s like stocking a pond with business fishes. It’s simply better bait, so say yes on this date, to a single rate.
And one more thing, Gardner’s a pretty great place. Thank you.