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Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson thanks voters – “A government of the people and for the people”
The Mayor thanked Election workers and voters who showed up in substantial numbers to cast ballots in the November 8th election. |
Nicholson has reached out to the new and returning state constitutional officers to offer congratulations and to continue partnerships and start new ones. “We’ll continue to do everything we can to advocate for the people of our City.” |
Mayor Nicholson congratulated Boucher Funeral Home on its 75th anniversary, stating that they were the first recipient of the facade improvement program and “We do still have money left over in our facade program and in our sign replacement and installation program” City contact is Jessica DeRoy, City Economic Development Coordinator. Website Link |
To celebrate Gardner’s 100th Christmas as a City, the annual Christmas Tree Lighting will take place Sunday November 27, 2022 and feature Santa Claus on a horse-drawn sleigh with a team of horses for the Holiday stroll ending at Monument Park this year. |
Gardner Mayor Nicholson spoke of veterans, “ We’ll never really be able to repay the debt that our veterans have paid for this country…. we owe them a a very deep and special thank you…” |