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Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson speaks of Appointments, Budgets, Grants, and Leaves in Weekly Update
Mayor Nicholson spoke of acting appointments needed to fill lieutenant and sergeant positions in the Gardner PD now that lieutenants have recently become Chief McAvene and Deputy Chief Maroni, explaining that the City’s shift away from Civil Service still awaits MA legislative action.
The Gardner Mayor touched on the upcoming Monday November 7th City Council meeting during which the supplemental budget will be taken up. (Entire packet posted in separate article, click here) He reflected on property valuations and certifications.
The Mayor also spoke of an additional inspector for the Health Department to better handle the volume of food and housing inspections and a part-time domestic violence advocate for the Gardner Police Department.
Mayor Nicholson explained that the Community Block Grant funding will be lumped together as a two year sum of $1.6 million for 3 projects and expects to use part of the money for the demolition of the Greenwood Indoor pool building and construction of a pavilion in its place.
The Gardner Mayor asked citizens, “if you are removing leaves from your lawn, make sure you don’t move your leaves into the road, especially in a catch basin.” Apparently this has been a problem with the Mayor stating, “The last rainstorm we had a couple streets get a little flooded…. because people had blown their leaves out into the street rather than collecting them the proper way.”