100 Years of music
100 Years of Song
Yes We Have No Bananas 1923 song
Years of Song

Gardner MA Magazine Releases a Song from Every Year Gardner has been a City.

It was a task, but we did it. A top song from every year, 1923 to 2022, 100 years of the changing music scene.

Some of the music was originally listened to on Victrolas, record players, stereos, cassette and 8 track players, cd players, mp3 players, phones, and of course the RADIO – AM for half the period until FM became more popular for music, and modern streaming.

We present each song for review purposes in high quality mp3 format which you can listen to on any device. For all the songs, CLICK HERE.

Gardner MA was incorporated as a town in 1785 and became a City in 1923. This year will be Gardner’s 100th Christmas as a City.