You can’t put a fence on City Property, explains City Solicitor Flick at Gardner ZBA Meeting
In an interesting Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting on October 18, 2022, the panel took up a half dozen different cases including one involving a fence to be placed on City property.
Also, an existing business at 205-213 School Street will get a site visit by the ZBA to further explore their request to operate an inpatient care center as an addition to their existing outpatient services. Agenda, click here. Listen to the meeting here on any device. CLICK Play.
An additional meeting for 10-20-22 concerned the remand from the courts relating to the proposed Clark Street Housing project. A variance was initially denied and the Attorney for the petitioner stated that he believed the Zoning Board had rendered a decision inconsistent with other previous decisions. Listen to the meeting here on any device. CLICK Play.