Gardner MA Michael Nicholson Announces Waterford Street School Redevelopment
Gardner will have a Community Center, pending City Council approval. At a public announcement on October 3, 2022, Mayor Nicholson stated Waterford would become a Community Center. Press Release pdf, CLICK HERE. State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik said they would ‘fill the space in a symbiotic way. He is a former student and son of a former teacher. Center would include the Senior Center, Community Action Committee, Growing Places, and GAAMHA Inc. Mike Ellis, Director of the Senior Center said he is “excited about the project.” CAC Director Julie Meehan said it would allow their programs to be centrally located. Amy Yeagle, the Executive Director of Growing Places would retrofit the school kitchen and create a processing center to help distribute food to the needy. Tracy Hutchinson, President and CEO of GAAHMA stated, “We were so excited about partnering at Waterford Street School. We’ll be able to double to triple people we currently serve.”Shawn Hayden, VP at GAAMHA says that their existing facility on Coleman Street could then be used to expand outpatient behavioral and mental health services. “Looking to provide up to 100 new jobs in the next 2 years.” City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas thanked Representative Zlotnik and the community partners. “A great utilization of the space for the City.” Watch on YouTube or listen to the announcement and the various speakers on any device. Click Play.