Watch the Mayor’s Weekly update on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our Mayor’s update page. CLICK HERE.
Reminder – Gardner Relay for Life:
The 2022 Gardner Relay for Life takes place on Friday June 10 and Saturday June 11, 2022. This is a FULL EVENT again this year.

Gardner’s FY23 Budget reflects a smaller increase than other nearby cities. View our article.
Gardner MA Michael Nicholson offers Reverence to Gardner Veterans, Inspiration to Gardner Students, Exciting Anticipation of June 25, 2022 Events, and Review of Gardner’s Fiscal 2023 Budget.
Reverence to Gardner Veterans
Mayor Nicholson thanked those involved in the Memorial Day Parade and services and also welcomed Bob Chase, a new Assistant Director of Veterans Services who will be an addition to the existing staff. The Mayor suggested people contact Veterans Services in Gardner for needs such as Metal Military Cemetery markers. Here are some helpful links: Veterans Services in Gardner —– Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center —- Gardner VFW on Facebook —–Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services —– U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Inspiration to Gardner Students
The Mayor spoke about the Gardner High Baccalaureate Service and thanked those involved. Mayor Nicholson commented on the large amount of scholarships given out at Gardner High School Scholarship Night, (over one half million dollars) due to community generosity. Some of the chair factories no longer in existence and other organizations had set up perpetual endowments for Gardner students. The Mayor offered these inspirational words, “You don’t find communities anywhere that give out well over a half million dollars, let alone even close to that, at their scholarship awards night, so we’re very lucky and very blessed here and we hope our students understand that we’re willing to invest in them as they move forward, and we’re willing to cheer for them as they move on so that they can come back to the City and know that Gardner will always be their home no matter where they choose to go in life.”
June 25, 2022 Events
The Mayor mentioned the events which will kick off summer. First of all, All of the Outdoor Seating proposals have been approved by the City Council. A portion of Pleasant Street will be closed to traffic beginning on June 20th and Downtown visitors will be able to sit outside at various tables. This is just in time for the Downtown Sidewalk Sales which will take place on Saturday June 25, 2022. Later that night, there will be Fireworks at Kendall Pond near the PACC. And, the Gardner Fish and Gun Club will be celebrating their 100th Birthday!
Review of 2023 Budget
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke about the 2023 Fiscal Year Budget. The School Budget will be reviewed Monday and other hearings begin as early as next Wednesday. With respect to the budget, the Mayor stated, “We tried to be as careful and as conservative as possible.” And with very obvious pride in his voice for his team, the Mayor stated this about the recent audit of City Finances. ““Very Proud this year we did receive a perfect score on our audit, which is something the City has never received before, and we’re hoping to continue that trend as we move forward.”