A Gardner Magazine Editorial, Mayor Nicholson, Strength of Character.
During the course of holding Political Office, every office holder encounters that moment when character is tested. Mayor Nicholson is having his moment with the Gardner Police Department situation.
Despite enormous pressure to speak more openly about various details involved in the ongoing Police Department challenges, the Mayor has elected to stick with his plan – protect the taxpayers of Gardner, honor the due process rights of all involved, and stay the course with untold patience. While the Press may be irritated with the lack of information and citizens speculate about the who, what, when, where, and why, the Mayor is doing what a great manager does – the right thing as he sees it on a daily basis, making sure that the citizens of Gardner have a well-functioning Police Department which serves their daily needs and keeps the citizenry safe. In our opinion, the Mayor’s actions in this process including his unwavering resolve to handle the situation without giving in to political pressure shows a tremendous strength of character. It would be easy to do a tell-all interview and it would get lots of attention. It is much harder to be reserved with information, but in the end what is important is the best interests of the City of Gardner. So our advice to the community and other members of the press is this: Be vigilant, hold your leaders accountable, but also recognize when you’ve finally got someone with Strength of Character who doesn’t take the easy way out, but who’s actually looking out for you: Mayor Michael Nicholson.
We reached out to the Mayor’s office on May 18, 2022 and spoke with the Mayor’s aide Colin Smith at length. The Mayor is committed to following the process to its conclusion and will provide more information when it is in the best interest of the City to do so. We will publish any Press Release in its entirety when available.
Werner Poegel, Publisher.