In Gardner MA, the approval process regarding construction and property improvements is designed for a result fair to all concerned parties. Input is possible from the public at Meetings.
Inside the Gardner MA Zoning Board of Appeals
During the meeting of February 15, 2022, the Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals is chaired by Raymond F. LaFond. Michael Gerry is the Clerk. The other member is Randall Heglin. Rachael Taylor is the Administrative Coordinator. To watch the meeting on YouTube CLICK HERE.
We’re highlighting this meeting because it showcases just how carefully and just how seriously this Board takes their duties to advance progress while at the same time protecting the community. The main topic in this meeting was a multi-family property located at 163-165 Pine Street in Gardner – CLICK FOR MAP – for which Gardner Holding Company was seeking a special permit. Essentially, the contractor will be bringing one of Gardner’s blighted buildings back into use, benefitting potential renters and the tax rolls.
However, citizens of Gardner should be aware of the careful process. There are nine requirements for special permits: In summary, it shall be suitably located in the neighborhood, provide convenient and safe vehicular and pedestrian movement, provide adequate space for parking etc., provide adequate and appropriate facilities and utilities etc., shall not constitute and nuisance etc., shall not be a substantial inconvenience or hazard etc., shall not have a significant detrimental impact on city etc., and be consistent with City’s community development plan or master plan. For complete official list of 9 requirements, CLICK HERE.
The Board approved the variance after reviewing each of the required elements and even hearing from the applicant again. This was also after a site visit which the Board did on its own time on a weekend day. The Board can take 14 days to write its decision. Once the applicant receives a time-stamped decision, it must wait 20 days to allow for potential appeals from others. Once 20 days has expired, the applicant can move forward. Often an applicant may work with various other City Departments including the Planning Board, Building Department, and others. For the official page of the Gardner Zoning Board, CLICK HERE