Town of Princeton Seeks to Fill Vacancy
Due to the recent resignation of Helga Lyons, the town is seeking applicants for the vacancy.
Applications will be considered beginning December 28, 2021, and will be considered until the position has been filled. Although the position is for a term ending June 30, 2022, the Selectboard hopes that the selected candidate will re-apply for a full three-year term during the 2022 spring annual appointments. The SB seeks residents who are skilled in the areas of communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and will take an open-minded and unbiased approach to dealing with town issues. Per Town Bylaws, no elective or appointive officer or full-time town employee shall be eligible to serve on the Advisory Committee. Therefore, if someone who has a current elected or appointed position within the town should apply and get chosen, they would have to resign from their current role. Applicants are encouraged to contact members of the Selectboard and/or Advisory Committee if they have any questions about the Committee.
To be considered to serve in this capacity please fill out the Board/Committee/Commission Online Volunteer Application