Gardner MA Auditor Reveals Dispute with Blue Cross – Blue Shield involving $920k
During the Finance Committee meeting of October 30, 2024, Gardner MA City Auditor John Richard went over various matters and disclosed a dispute with Blue Cross – Blue Shield over a $920,000 payment saying that the City can prove payment, but Blue Cross won’t budge. Gardner Magazine reached out to Blue Cross Media contact Amy McHugh and left a voicemail explaining that the City of Gardner online checkbook shows the payment for all to see and maybe they should take a look and apologize to the City. Kelsey Pearse returned our call and explained they did in fact see that the payment was made, would be discussing the matter in-house, and would send me an email when she could confirm the matter had been resolved. Listen to the portion of the Finance Committee meeting during which the matter was discussed on any device. CLICK PLAY.
In other matters, HR Director Amanda Morse updated the Finance Committee on various things she is doing including updating job descriptions to more accurately reflect the work actually performed.
Purchasing Agent Joshua Cormier spoke to the Committee about the desire to get Council authorization to enter into certain 5 year contracts to economically benefit the City.
Veterans Agent Cory Hasselmann updated the Finance Comittee regarding the participation of veterans in a tax workoff program.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke first about free cash and the possibility of that increasing by about a half million dollars and the status of Enterprise Accounts.
Listen to the full Finance Committee Meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.